Christmas Savings

The Ghost of Christmas Past

If you were visited by a former version of yourself in January or February of next year, what would the experience bring? Would it bring the regret of overspending and the debt to prove it? Or would it bring the peace of knowing that you spent well, accumulated no debt, and thoroughly enjoyed the act of giving?

I’m glad you asked. Here are 3 ways I believe you can reminisce with joy of fonder times.

5 Ways To Not Go Into DEBT For Christmas

Did you know that this year Christmas is on December 25th?? Haha. Yes...I know I'm being funny, but I cannot tell you how many of our coaching clients tell us that they use credit cards to pay for Christmas because it "snuck up" on them.

Don't let Christmas sneak up on you! Here are 5 things to keep in mind as you begin (or complete) your Christmas shopping.