
The Emotional Current of Money

Before we started on this journey of Christ-centered financial wellness, I never thought much about money being currency. In my mind it was just a term that was used by financial analysts. But today is a new day. Today I understand the importance of currency and what it means in my life. Today I understand that money and electricity have a lot in common than you think! 

The Secret To Contentment - 3 Things I've Learned

Our society makes it easy to not be content. Social media showcases the "look what I got" mentality of others and we longingly begin to think we're missing out on something.

But there is another way... There is a secret to being content.


6 Things To Help You Study God's Word

Five years is a long time to work on a goal. And I won't lie and tell you that it's been easy for me to stay focused on becoming debt free and living a life of Christ-centered financial wellness. Part of the reason was that I didn't know I needed to be financially well and I thought I was already Christ-centered. 

This is what I learned to make it through.