
The Ghost of Christmas Past

If you were visited by a former version of yourself in January or February of next year, what would the experience bring? Would it bring the regret of overspending and the debt to prove it? Or would it bring the peace of knowing that you spent well, accumulated no debt, and thoroughly enjoyed the act of giving?

I’m glad you asked. Here are 3 ways I believe you can reminisce with joy of fonder times.

6 Things To Help You Study God's Word

Five years is a long time to work on a goal. And I won't lie and tell you that it's been easy for me to stay focused on becoming debt free and living a life of Christ-centered financial wellness. Part of the reason was that I didn't know I needed to be financially well and I thought I was already Christ-centered. 

This is what I learned to make it through.

3 Ways God Answers Prayer

How many times have you seen the other side of a prayer and were amazed at how blessed you were because of it? How many times have you thanked God later for not giving you something you really wanted? As much as I  hate to admit it, I have been blessed when God doesn't answer my prayer the way I want. Find out why...