financial wellness

Debt Free Scream Backstory

Keith and I recently did our Debt Free Scream live on the Dave Ramsey show. Since then, many people have asked for the story behind the story. Here we go!

How "I Had To..." Will Make You Broke

Very rarely in my life have I used the phrase "I had to…" except when it came to money.

I wanted to be confident and powerful (and often pretended to be), but the reality was that I was shaking in my boots when it came time to make big money decisions.

The CORNER of comfortable and debt free - 3 Reasons You Need To Move!

If you're on fire to get out of debt as quickly as possible, chances are really good that nothing is going to stop you. If you're at the other end of the spectrum and  continue to live without a budget and beyond your means, there's nothing anyone can do for you.

But the ones in the middle...the ones at the corner of comfortable and debt free...those are the people we help the most.

Sinking Funds - 3 Things You Need To Know

As we have learned more and more about how to lead a life of Christ-centered financial wellness, we discovered another aspect of budgeting that we now embrace wholeheartedly. It has come to the rescue more times than I ever thought possible and I'm excited to introduce it to you today. It's called the sinking fund.

Let’s walk through the 3 things you need to know about sinking funds.

Single Money - 3 Keys to Financial Wellness for Singles

What financial moment did you have as a single (either now or before you got married) where you knew you would benefit from having someone walking alongside you? Here are three things I have learned that would have made my "single money" work much better.


Are you weighed down by student loans? How will this year be different in terms of your knowledge of your financial situation?

All you need is a plan and action! Let this year be the one where you take back your future by tackling the mountain called student loans! 

What Are You Capable Of?

Have you been there? Have you ever forgotten all that you are capable of? Have you ever been so bogged down by life or debt or the expectations of yourself (or others) that you lost sight of exactly what you have already accomplished? I have a secret to tell you…

Budgeting Is Like Weight Watchers

What if we managed our money the way I managed my weight? What if we chose to be random about budgeting (on again/off again) the way I was about Weight Watchers? I know with certainty that we would not have paid off nearly as much and would probably have incurred more debt.

We were able to get it all done because we lived by a budget. Month in…month out…we lived by a budget. Because we used a budget, we knew exactly what money was available and could make adjustments midstream.